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The Pit Crew Challenge Online Quote

We’d be happy to provide a quote via email based a quick collection of some information about your event. The more information you can provide will enable us to provide a more accurate quote. Estimates provided are guidelines only, and are not to be considered a binding contract. Only executed agreements between parties will be considered binding.

If you would like to receive a phone reply, please provide a number.

Your Event Info

If a date is known.
Month, Season, Any time period, etc.
Minimum 12 people.

What is the total number of participants for your event that you would like to participate in this experience?

Ideal group size is 12 to 28 people for each delivery. More can be accommodated however.
If you require more than 40 participants, you may want to consider multiple deliveries.

Divide "Participant for Event Number” by “Participants per Pit Crew Delivery Number”.
eg. 28 Participants ÷ 28 per Delivery - 1 Delivery
eg. 50 Participants ÷ 25 per Delivery = 2 Deliveries
Typical program is 4 hours in length, but may vary with group size. Consider a minimum 3.5 hour block.
A general idea of location of event. This is required to provide a quote to calculate equipment transportation. Providing multiple locations will reply multiple quotes. North America and Europe are currently offered.

About your Learning Program

This information is NOT manditory to receive a quote, but does help us understand if The Pit Crew Challenge is a proper fit for your event. Please provide as much information as you can to help us gain some context to your needs and outcomes. Please check all that apply.

Help us acknowledge those we have worked with in the past.

All information provided above will be treated with complete confidentiality. Your contact information will NOT be added to any mailing list in compliance with our own policies and governing legislation. If you wish to receive our irregular newsletter, please sign up on the website seperately using our double opt-in form.